Raising up courageous imagination: Let’s make the future work for all
There is no doubt that tech has enabled great promise and great challenges for humanity. Right now, tech is responsible for the fastest and most profound culture change in human history, but tech solutions are only as good as the questions we ask. There is no doubt that tech has played a large role in our mental health and wellbeing decline. This is precisely why tech MUST be part of the cultural solution.
The ways of thinking that got us here, may not be the best indicators of future success. In making the future of work culture, work for all, both courage and imagination are required. That’s why the University of Colorado Denver and a collaborator network of creatives, scientists, entrepreneurs, and change makers are on a long-term journey together, called the Imaginator Academy, to map, measure, and raise up Courageous Imagination across America’s workforce.
Who will be asking the questions which guide the future of tech development in ways that produce different results going forward?
As the world increasingly relies on brain capital, where a premium is put on brain skills and brain health (e.g. individual’s cognitive, emotional, and social brain resources), we must also consider the cultural impacts that shape both our physical and digital lives. The Imaginator Academy, in conjunction with the Brain Capital Alliance, will be diving further into understanding how culture analytics, creativity and future casting will build smart, savvy futures. The Imaginator Academy is going to answer:
What if everyone felt:
- True belonging in the places we work?
- More workforce wellbeing.
- More sustainable growth.
- More realized potential.
We’re building an imagination engine that aligns culture change with innovation to make this a reality.
Be Seen. Be heard. Become part of the future.
Calling all entrepreneurs, artists, scholars, consumers, scientists, leaders, and learners!
The Workforce Census is now LIVE!! In it, we are assessing the relationship between diverse American identities and how they experience, Culture Change and Innovation. The goal of this workforce census is to spark innovation initiatives resulting in both human + economic growth and increased Culture ROI.
Who has the most creativity in America’s workforce? Is it our nation’s artists, entrepreneurs, business leaders, teachers, physicians, researchers, scientists, activists, construction workers, technologists?
Is it you? This census will help discover the intersection of all jobs and duties working for tomorrow.
Join Us at Denver Startup Week 2022
COURAGEOUS IMAGINATION: Making real innovative workplace strategies
Thursday September 22 from 10:00am-11:00am @ Denver Place
BRAIN CAPITAL: Neuroscience-inspired investment and public policy innovation
Friday September 23 from 10:00am-11:00am @ Denver Place
#SocialBelonging #futureofwork #hope #compassion #Genz #curiosity #collaborationovercompetition #neuroscience #humanities #arts #media