2021 Schedule
Monday, Oct 4
2:00pm — 3:00pm
Virtual Panel
396 attending
Technical Storytelling: Your New Tech Won't Sell Itself
Developing an innovative new technology can be as rewarding as it is challenging. After creating a working prototype and securing a few early adopting customers, some entrepreneurs may think the hard work is mostly done. That is not the case, however, because even the best new tech will not sell itself. Simply describing the innovative technology is typically not enough to convince the majority. Storytelling is a powerful tool to align the benefits of your new solution with your target audience’s needs and desires. Learn how these panelists have used storytelling to promote adoption of new technologies and deliver customer experiences that fuel exceptional revenue growth.
Ellen Williams

Matt Bell

Dawn Putney

Hybrid Events for 2021
Starting 5 minutes before a session is live, use the link below to join the live studio audience. If a session fills up, you can also check it out on YouTube Live, embedded below.