2021 Schedule
Monday, Oct 4
1:00pm — 2:00pm
Virtual Panel
224 attending
Usertopia: Leveraging Support to Build User-Centric Products
Bridging the gap between users, support, and the product-engineering teams building the product is an essential component in understanding one’s users and being able to meet them where they are at. Product Support Specialists at Quizlet will highlight areas where they have found success doing this and what they’ve learned along the way. From preparing for upcoming launches to triaging and escalating known user bugs and pain-points, the quantitative and qualitative insights from support help foster a user-centric mindset throughout the development process.
Jordan Serviss
lizz winchell
Hybrid Events for 2021
Starting 5 minutes before a session is live, use the link below to join the live studio audience. If a session fills up, you can also check it out on YouTube Live, embedded below.