2020 Schedule
Wednesday, Sep 16
4:00pm — 5:00pm
Virtual Panel
116 attending
Startup Cribs –Does place still matter?
Start Up Cribs Denver will focus on the concept of place in its 8th consecutive year at Denver Startup Week. Our town hall will center on a discussion around the question: does place still matter? As the traditional paradigms of the workplace have currently shifted in response to COVID-19, what does the future of workplace look like? Our curated discussion with Executive Tech leaders will help to clarify what place means and how it has changed in this new environment. Our panelists will share what challenges and successes they have faced in their reentry and how these have shaped the meaning of place within their company.
Andrew Blaustein
Matt Davidson
Josh Pons
Kirk Adams
Cheryl Derricott
Karen Dahl
Lizzy Mahan
Lee Cloud

Caroline LeBea
Hybrid Events for 2020
Starting 5 minutes before a session is live, use the link below to join the live studio audience. If a session fills up, you can also check it out on YouTube Live, embedded below.