2023 Schedule

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Wednesday, Sep 20
9:00am — 10:00am
Spotlight Track- Commons on Champa
86 attending

An Economy for All: How Denver is Creating Equity in Economic Development

Economic Development in America is not known for its equity, diversity, or inclusion practices. In fact you could say it has traditionally been seen as “stale, pale,….” and well.. you know the rest. Not in Denver! At Denver Economic Development & Opportunity (DEDO), equity is the bedrock in everything from hiring, to program development, to the deployment of resources into the community. Denver is creating an economy that works for everyone. This panel will feature three economic developers who are changing the game in the areas of business, talent, and community development.

Adrina Gibson, Chief Officer, Division of Small Business Opportunity, DEDO
Seneca Holmes, Chief Neighborhood Equity & Stabilization Officer, DEDO
Derrick Watson, Director, Denver Construction Careers Program, DEDO
Moderator: Chelsea Rosty, Chief of Staff, DEDO