2023 Schedule

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Tuesday, Sep 19
9:30am — 10:30am
Designer Track Venue: Greenspoon Marder
125 attending

Designing Happy Clients: Delivering Value Beyond Skills

As design freelancers, contractors, gig workers, and consultants, we tend to think of work opportunities in terms of time. The math is easy to simply multiply a time estimate by an aspirational hourly rate. And clients tend to have a baseline guess of effort or budget entering a pitch opportunity.

However, in a global economy supported by platforms such as UpWork or Fiverr, we will always lose bids if we focus on price and skills. We also tend to under-estimate and under-value ourselves when competing with local peers.

If we believe in user-centric design for our creative work, why don't we apply it to client interactions?

In this mixed-format interactive session, Michael Hopkins and Mathias Gran will co-facilitate a discovery and reflection session to help you frame conversations about the value of your design offerings beyond your skills. You will walk away with a basic understanding of how to "design happy clients" by focusing on the larger value of your clients' opportunities and how you fit into their ultimate goals.

Michael Hopkins is President and co-owner of Brooks Stevens, Inc., a product development and design firm with an 80+ year history of pushing American product design.

Mathias Gran is an entrepreneur and Adjunct Professor at The University of Denver MBA programs. He also contributes as a Creative Partner at Brooks Stevens, Inc.