2015 Schedule

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Tuesday, Sep 29
4:00pm — 7:00pm
Galvanize (Platte - Atrium/Deck)
431 attending

App Strategy Workshop & Happy Hour: Monetize. Optimize. Drive Downloads.

Join leading mobile experts, app developers, and local startups for an afternoon of insightful discussions on how to turn your app into a profitable business. Speakers from Google, TechStars, Millennial Media, Pollen, OpenX, and more will share strategies to increase downloads, leverage analytics, and maximize revenue generating opportunities. Attendees will also hear local entrepreneurs share their stories and secrets for startup success, then have the opportunity to mingle with speakers and attendees over drinks and appetizers.

View full speaker line-up here: http://www.appdevelopersalliance.org/alliance-events/denver-app-strategy-workshop