2022 Schedule
Starting Up? Start Here!
Come learn about “The Commons on Champa”, Denver’s hub for entrepreneurship! Having been nationally recognized for its role and impact in the community serving diverse populations, The Commons is making entrepreneurship affordable and accessible for all! In this session you will hear from key players who support Denver’s vibrant startup eco-system, the resources and opportunities that are available to early-stage startups and a local entrepreneur who will share their story. Panelists include: Teresa Densmore, Manager, The Commons on Champa, Carrie Singer, Small Business Services Program Manager, Denver Economic Development & Opportunity, Ethan Levy, Founder, Dork Dancing, Barbara Brooks, Founder SecondAct Women, Beth Birchfield, Facilitator, Co.Starters. Moderated by: Bob Pertierra, Downtown Denver Partnership
The Commons on Champa is a place where you can move your entrepreneurial ideas forward. Located in the heart of Downtown Denver, The Commons is a hub powered by the Downtown Denver Partnership for those who want to innovate, build a business or take the lead. Whether you’re working on the next big thing or just getting an idea off the ground, The Commons on Champa brings together the entrepreneurial resources and support to help you make a real impact.