2014 Schedule

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Friday, Sep 19
1:00pm — 2:30pm
288 attending

Developmental Stages of the StartUp ~ Customer Relationship

All companies grow through developmental stages. To move through the stages you must master the relevant developmental tasks. How you build relationships with your customers today, and how you prepare for tomorrow’s relationships are key tasks to master to move your company forward. Some leaders live in the status quo and do not anticipate the developmental tasks that must be mastered for proper customer development – present or future. Tasks such as driving product adoption, providing technical support, gathering feedback, and up-selling.

In this session Josh Forman, an eight-year Customer Success executive and consultant to technology companies, will present a model of the basic developmental stages of the startup ~ customer relationship. The session will show you how to use the model to guide decision making for executives, directors, managers, and anyone who aspires to a greater understanding of the customer relationship process.