2014 Schedule

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Thursday, Sep 18
3:00pm — 4:30pm
Ping Identity
473 attending

Hiring Strategies for your startup

Join Pivot Desk Co-founder Kelly Taylor, Kapost Co-founder Mike Lewis, CTO Digabit John Skinner and moderator John Kingdeski of Edgelink for an interactive panel discussion about hiring Strategies for your company. If it is employee #4 or #50 we will discuss what has been successful, failed and the many different approaches you can take when building your team. Edgelink will be providing snacks and drinks, see you there!

Kelly Taylor https://www.pivotdesk.com/team
Mike Lewis http://kapost.com/about-us/
John Skinner http://digabit.com/company/
John Kingdeski http://www.edgelink.com/