2021 Schedule

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Tuesday, Oct 5
3:00pm — 4:00pm
Virtual Workshop
163 attending

Product Validation Bootcamp

Product Validation Bootcamp is an introductory workshop where entrepreneurs and aspiring founders will learn how to validate and test their product ideas before they spend money, time, or energy in production. Perfect for aspiring or seasoned entrepreneurs with big ideas and getting their product out to market.

Product Coaching is great for clients stuck on:

Finding product-market fit

Scaling processes for growth

Establishing a coaching/mentoring culture

Companies are faced with different challenges based on product maturity, employee numbers, market shares, etc. Below you can find an overview when and how Product Coaching can support your clients per stage in business.

Benefits of Product Coaching for startup clients

You can easily start a company/business without Product Coaching. However, if you want to go big and scale it’s indispensable. Product Coaching can be a great support for the founders to do a proper problem definition, validation, market research, and then MVP definition. Doing the “right things”, and “things right” from day one will later be the best foundation you need to scale. With a clear vision, mission, and purpose, the team and the rest of the company will be more able to support the founder to achieve the goals.

Benefits of Product Coaching for growth & scale clients

Better product teams work with best practices by focusing on solving customer and business problems the better the organization will scale. A structured product coaching and development process will lead to better results of a given product launch and scalability. Product Coaching at the growth level can help established teams to streamline their work and processes. Depending on the organizational structure (e.g. organic vs. mechanic) decision making and team autonomy can be limited or highly scalable.


Gain clear understanding of how to quickly validate any product idea, saving you time and capital in your business

Clarity on the vision, mission and purpose of the product which will lead to extended sustainability of profits for your company

Create a clear story for your product concept to help with product creation, launching, and marketing.

Carnellia Ajasin
Hybrid Events for 2021
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