2020 Schedule

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Thursday, Sep 17
11:00am — 12:00pm
Virtual Panel
357 attending

Authenticity & Vulnerability: How The Struggles You Face Can Shape You As A Leader

Join us as one of Colorado’s most accomplished telecom business leaders, Larissa Herda, former Chairman & CEO of tw telecom, sits down with one of her own mentees, Terra LaRock, Founder & CEO of Mindful Mamas.

This unique fireside chat will be an incredible opportunity to hear truly authentic stories and anecdotes from two female CEOs who share a rare and deep-rooted relationship. Join us as they uncover how being vulnerable as a leader is not a weakness; it is in fact the greatest measure of courage.

Nicole Barbera
Kelly Hughes
Larissa Herda
Unknown Panelist
Alicia Herda
Lee Cloud
Hybrid Events for 2020
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