2019 Schedule

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Friday, Sep 20
10:00am — 11:30am
Capital One Café
180 attending

Plot Twist: How Running A Startup Isn't a Straight Line to Success

For startup founders, it often feels like two steps back for every step forward. There's an ocean of challenges in scaling companies, building teams and delivering products, and companies that are ultimately successful still have to face pivots, layoffs and unhappy customers. This session will focus on the obstacles, big and small, startups face on the road to success and how entrepreneurs and their teams can face these plot twists. Attendees will learn from entrepreneurs who are willing to share honest truths about what they've learned on the path to success.

Adrian Tuck, CEO of Uplight (Tendril merged with Simple Energy to form Uplight)
Natty Zola, Partner of Matchstick Ventures and Managing Director of TechStars Boulder
Wendi Burkhardt, CEO and Co-founder of Silvernest
Krista Marks, CEO of Woot Math