2018 Schedule

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Thursday, Sep 27
2:00pm — 3:30pm
Wayfinder Co-op
212 attending

Telling Your Founder Story to Inspire Action

Your story is one of the most powerful tools you have as a founder to grow your business. A great story can help get customers and clients, galvanize an audience, pitch investors, recruit team members, inspire action, and more.Join some of Denver's top storytellers to understand the best practices and techniques of communicating your personal founder's story. Learn what inspires people to move, join, buy, donate, share and support.

Brett Randell, Brandell Creative & Storytelling For Entrepreneurs

Romain Vakilitabar, Storyteller, Founder, Pathos Labs, TEDx Speaker
Catherine de Medici Jaffee, Founder, Producer, Nat Geo Explorer, House of Pod
Cameron Brown, Global Speaker, The Thriving Collective, TEDx Speaker
Ian Bennett, Strategic Storyteller, Lifted Film & Music
Kat Short, Storytelling Coach, Tell Your Damn Story