2018 Schedule

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Wednesday, Sep 26
8:00am — 9:30am
Spaces - Denver Ballpark
290 attending

Staffing Your Startup, The Skillful Solution

As Colorado experiences historically low levels of unemployment, startups struggle to find the talent they need to grow. Skills-based hiring practices, which focus on the skills it takes to do a job, can help startups hire right. Come learn about how skills-based hiring practices can help your company hire the people you need to succeed in this conversation featuring entrepreneurs and HR experts.

We know you’ve seen them – the job postings enticing skilled talent to come work for this awesome new start-up in town. Perhaps, right now, you are this awesome new startup that is hiring staff. The pay is good, but it’s not going to match a consulting firm…and you need people to work as hard, if not harder. Diversity is important to your culture and conversations of being diverse are ubiquitous in the tech field, so how might you find talent and encourage underrepresented skilled workers, (i.e., minorities, women, etc) to pursue careers in high-demand jobs, like yours?

Engage with our panel of experts, CEOs, and executives about the value of specifying the in-demand skills that you need and how skills from untraditional backgrounds are transferable to the job you are hiring for. The talent that you hire is the bedrock of your organization-don’t be fooled by bad proxies or resumes that seem impressive, but can’t be leveraged.

Allison Bajet, Associate, Skillful
Alexandra Peterson, Senior Manager, Skillful

Beth Cobert, CEO, Skillful (former Acting Director of the United States Office of Personnel Management and longtime leader at McKinsey & Company)
Kathleen Brenk, Vice President of Human Resources at TruStile Doors
Matt Gee, CEO, BrightHive
Tyler Hartung, VP, Aunt Bertha