2018 Schedule

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Wednesday, Sep 26
12:00pm — 1:30pm
524 attending

Storytelling Marketing: The Magic Elixir Behind Sustained Startup Growth

Did you know that when facts and figures are told through story, they are 22X more memorable? Building on this idea, this talk will delve into the power of storytelling, first exploring the psychology behind storytelling, specifically how it contributes to human learning and decision-making. Then, we will discuss and analyze storytelling techniques employed by some of the world's best storytellers in the world from Pixar to Lucasfilm to Stanford University. Storytelling techniques include creating a hook, identifying a hero, developing a narrative arc, and providing action opportunities. Once attendees learn these techniques, they will be asked to apply and practice these techniques for their own startups and businesses. Every attendee will walk away with a baseline-compelling story for their company and be equipped with the tools to enhance and expand their story into both strategic and tactical growth-focus marketing initiatives.