2018 Schedule

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Thursday, Sep 27
8:00am — 9:00am
Basecamp Launched by Chase for Business
243 attending

Biohacking the Entrepreneur: The common blockades in creativity, growth, and expansion from a physiological perspective

Can we bio-hack our bodies to be more successful business owners?

When self-care becomes a business tool, we can tap into our true potential as a business owner and entrepreneur. This session is a panel of incredible experts to prove it.

When it comes to true entrepreneurship, this panel will dig into the driving forces behind successful entrepreneurs. Focusing on the full body, from brain (and brain injury), to gut, genetics, and emotional tendencies, this panel will showcase a unique perspective what is it that makes us (*entrepreneurs) do what we do and how to optimize the gifts that we have.

This session is about awareness of self, personality, tendencies, and commonalities to help entrepreneurs bio-hack their own body to be even better then they already are.

Our panelists:
Dr. Rachel Yan: Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Chiropractor
D.L. Pos Ryant: Tai Chi Expert and Qi Gong Student
Dr. Lauren Koedyk: Chiropractor
Jessica Brantley: Founder and CEO of Soulful Essence
Amy Baglan: Founder and CEO of MeetMindful