2018 Schedule

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Tuesday, Sep 25
2:00pm — 3:30pm
Galvanize (Golden Triangle) - No Sessions
311 attending

Natural Food Founder's Forum

2017 was a landmark year for both Colorado Food Works and for the natural foods industry. In March of 2017, CFW launched as a forum for a few friends to gather and share resources. From this humble beginning, CFW has grown to more than 400 members has become a pillar of support in the booming natural foods industry in Colorado.

Concurrently, the natural foods industry is attracting more attention, more capital and more entrepreneurs than ever before. High profile acquisitions like RXBar from Kellogs for $600m and Snyder’s-Lance to Campbells for $6.1 billion have set the tone that “natural and organic” food options are no longer a fad but a lifestyle. The movement has also spawned a surge of investment projects from legacy food giants, too. From General Mills creating their investment arm 301 Inc. to Chobani’s natural food incubator program, opportunity is everywhere.

In our sophomore Denver Startup Week session, CFW will again highlight some of the industry’s most prolific “foodtrepreneurs.” We’ll look to the founder“foodtrepreneurs” to colorfully narrate their stories of trial, failure and ultimately, of success. We’ll follow a short storytelling format that allows panelists to touch on those topics they find most relevant to the next generation of “foodtrepreneurs.” Finally, we’ll conclude our session with a quick-fire q&A session with our panelists.

Colorado Food Works is proud to have grown into an organization that provides educational and networking resources to our budding food community. Learn more at www.coloradofoodworks.org and follow us on LinkedIn.