2017 Schedule

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Monday, Sep 25
4:00pm — 6:00pm
Basecamp Launched by Chase for Business
404 attending

Technology-Powered Innovation with Marty Cagan

One of the most enduring myths in the product world is that great products result from listening to your customers (or prospective customers). But just as Jeff Bezos said in his latest Shareholder Letter, "No customer ever asked Amazon to create the Prime membership program," customers are consistently not the source of true value creation and innovation. That doesn't mean that we ignore our customers; quite the contrary, but it does mean that we must look elsewhere for the source of true innovation. In this talk I will share the back stories behind several of the most impressive technology-powered innovations of our time - how they were inspired and especially how they were discovered.

About Marty Cagan:

Before founding the Silicon Valley Product Group to pursue his interests in helping others create successful products through his writing, speaking, advising and coaching, Marty Cagan served as an executive responsible for defining and building products for some of the most successful companies in the world, including Hewlett-Packard, Netscape Communications, and eBay.

Marty began his career with a decade as a software developer at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories conducting research on software technology, and building several software products for other software developers.
After HP, Marty joined a then young Netscape Communications Corporation, where he had the opportunity to participate in the birth of the Internet industry. Martin worked directly for co-founder Marc Andreessen, where he was vice-president for Netscape’s platform and tools, and later e-commerce applications, and worked to help Internet start-ups and Fortune 500 companies alike to understand and utilize the newly emerging technology.

Marty was most recently senior vice-president of product and design for eBay, where he was responsible for defining products and services for the company’s global e-commerce trading site.
As part of his work with SVPG, Marty is an invited speaker at major conferences and top companies across the globe. He is also the author of the book INSPIRED: How to Create Products Customers Love.

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