2016 Schedule

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Wednesday, Sep 14
12:00pm — 1:30pm
162 attending

What Everyone Ought To Know About Streaming

A brief introduction to Streaming (You really don’t need to know how watching video when and where you want works, but just in case you want to know more)

You know what streaming is
You understand why streaming is important
You are familiar with the common workflow components
You are ready to start streaming yourself (if not already)

Talk about the current and historical view for watching content (with
reference to Netflix, YouTube, etc.)
Talk about streaming versus download versus progressive download
Talk about social media versus monetization (subscription, advertising, etc.)

Streaming basics
Mechanics (how it works, history, etc.)
What matters (quality, latency, availability, etc.)
Business drivers (why streaming and build versus buy)
Typical streaming architecture/workflow (live versus on-demand,
cloud versus on-prem, with reference to TBD for familiarity)

Working backwards in the workflow
Playback (and the user experience, including codecs, containers,
protocols, etc.)
Content delivery / Audience Scaling
Ingest and media processing
Capture and encoding
