2016 Schedule

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Wednesday, Sep 14
4:00pm — 5:30pm
283 attending

Data is the new oil - and oil is a liquid asset*

Nowadays everybody knows the enormous value of data. But when a startup pitches a plan to "sell our data," investors mentally check out and think the entrepreneur is naive or worse. Why have so many startups failed to earn money from their data? Is it really worthless, or could it be possible for a startup to earn meaningful revenue by monetizing data? How could a startup be successful?

Jacob Ablowitz, Co-Founder & CEO of Denver-based summer 2016 Boomtown company dmi.io (the marketplace for business data) will lead a session including both presentation content and a panel discussion exploring these issues from many angles in the context of a variety of emerging data monetization opportunities.

Panel participants:

Jacob Ablowitz (moderator) | Co-Founder & CEO of dmi.io

Jeremy Straight | Sr. VP, Strategic Partnerships at SpotX

Will Hickson | Co-Founder, President & COO of dmi.io / former EVP, Thomson Reuters

Rich Spilde | Partner, Holland & Hart / IP & licensing specialization

Nate Dupree | Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer, dmi.io