2016 Schedule

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Monday, Sep 12
2:00pm — 3:30pm
Wells Fargo Center - 18th Floor
382 attending

Lean Startup Experiments: Kenn Kelly

If you aren't familiar with Lean Startup & Lean methodology you should be - but even if you are most companies have a hard time applying the lessons found inside Lean to their day to day operations. One of the critical elements to your ability to be successful at Lean is your ability to measure the results of your assumptions and choices. In this talk, we'll walk through how to create successful Lean Startup experiments and make strategic decisions based on the results of your tests. Understand where your marketing spend is going, how you're development time is impacting your bottom line and main objectives and much more - without a solid testing framework measuring inputted time to outputted value is almost impossible. In this session we'll provide simple yet effective ways to understand and measure what you're actually doing as a business or individual.