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Social Events

Keep Calm - We Recorded #DENStartupWeek 2020

Denver Startup Week 2020 is over, and the DSW Organizing Committee is already ready to start planning for next year! Until then, we have some exciting news for you…

DSW Community - for the first time ever, we have been able to record all the sessions that went live last week. And of course, we want to share ALL OF IT with you! Whether you missed a session on your schedule, or your co-worker won’t quit raving about their favorite session at DSW 2020, we’ve got you covered - all sessions are on the DSW website, and also available on our Youtube Channel.

Before you head over to dive into DSW 2020’s 230+ sessions, read these tips to help you sort through all the entrepreneurial awesomeness:

  • To use the DSW 2020 schedule on our website, feel free to sort each day’s sessions by Track in the dropdown menu up top, or use the search bar to search for keywords or topics. Recordings are embedded under the session description, and can be watched directly from here.
  • For example - I might search the Designer Track for ‘Vogue’ to see what aired and is available to re-watch. You can also just scan and scroll each day to see what sparks your interest.

  • Another great option is to view all content on our YouTube Channel.
  • If you know what you’d like to search for, feel free to click on the search icon tab on the far right side of our YouTube page. For example, I could search “SEO 101: How to Get to the Top of Google, Presented by The Commons”, and be taken directly to that session.
  • Alternatively, the easiest way to sort sessions is by first going from our Home Page to the Playlists Tab. Once you are viewing our Playlists, we have all sessions from 2020 sorted by Track, as well as a selection of Highlights from the year. 
  • You can then either choose to play a full Playlist, or select View Full Playlist to see the list of sessions. These can be sorted in a variety of ways using the Sort dropdown menu up top.

Thanks for sticking with us to this point, and we are so excited to be able to enjoy sessions with you even after the Week is over! If you have any questions, please reach out to info@denverstartupweek.org. If not - we hope you enjoy #DENStartupWeek 2020 all year long!

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