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Telling Your Startup Story at Denver Startup Week

By Comcast NBCUniversal

We all know Denver Startup Week is the perfect opportunity for entrepreneurs, innovators, founders, and developers to take their ideas to the next level, but how do you best leverage the week to tell your story?

You’ve already got the product, the team, and the passion for your startup, now it’s time to promote yourself. For Comcast’s Executive Director of Entrepreneurial Engagement, Danielle Cohn, it all comes down to storytelling.“It’s critical that startups differentiate themselves from their competitors,” Cohn says. “The best way to do that is by having a great product. But it’s equally important to have a unique story that explains why you created something.”

Bring it Back to the Basics

Prior to startup week, make sure you nail down your unique story and break it down to the fundamentals, so anyone you speak to will easily understand who you are, what you are about and what you are looking to accomplish.

Remember Your Audience

During the week, you’ll have ample opportunities to connect with potential investors and collaborators. You need to know how to tell your story to a variety of audiences and not be reliant on a deck, as many conversations will take place in a casual setting where no visual assets or impressive stats will be readily available to back up your pitch.

Connect with Everyone

You never know who you may run into at startup week. You may find yourself in an elevator with Tami Door, Downtown Denver Partnership’s President and CEO or Tony Werner, Comcast’s President of Technology and Product. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to anyone you come in contact with, as that’s what Denver Startup Week is all about — making connections and sharing ideas.

Authenticity is Key

Don’t get bogged down in the details or try to sound like something you aren’t. Remember who you are and what your story is. If you do this right you’ll make an impression, and more importantly be remembered. Cohn says, “Authentic stories resonate and the more you can weave in being real, the more people will respond. You don’t want to come off as being too rehearsed or out of touch. Each story is very authentic to each person and that’s important.”

Denver Startup Week is the time to be passionate and self-promotional. It is the perfect starting block for you to tell your story, be heard and take your business to the next level. We’ve all heard good and bad pitches in our lives, so be sure to make yours impactful and authentic.

Comcast NBCUniversal brings together the best in media and technology. Creativity, innovation and connection are the heart of what we do. Learn more at https://colorado.comcast.com/

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