2023 Schedule

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Monday, Sep 18
1:30pm — 2:30pm
Spotlight Track- Commons on Champa
238 attending

Collaboration Marketing: Connect, Collaborate, and Conquer

The "Connect, Collaborate, and Conquer" workshop is designed to equip participants with the necessary tools, practical strategies, and mindset to enhance their networking abilities, foster productive collaborations, and lead to transformative outcomes.
By mastering the art of connection, participants will be better prepared to achieve their goals, make a positive impact in their personal and professional lives, and thrive in today's dynamic and competitive world while managing collaborative relationships for long-term success.

Workshop Objectives:
Understand the concept of networked collaboration and its significance in a rapidly changing world.
Explore the benefits and challenges of networked collaboration.
Learn practical techniques for building and nurturing professional networks.
Discover strategies for fostering effective collaboration within and across networks.
Develop skills to leverage technology and digital platforms for networked collaboration.
Gain insights into successful case studies of networked collaboration in various industries.
Foster a collaborative mindset and build confidence in initiating and sustaining collaborations.