2023 Schedule

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Tuesday, Sep 19
10:30am — 11:30am
People Track- Jake Jabs Center
186 attending

I QUIT! Why Good People Leave (and How to Make Them Stay!)

The outdated rules of employee retention and attrition have undergone a remarkable transformation. While compensation has long been the star of career decisions, it no longer stands alone as the guiding light. The driving force that now holds unparalleled influence over job seekers, across all generations except for baby boomers, is the elusive treasure of work-life balance.

Here's a staggering statistic that underscores the urgency of understanding this evolution: More specifically, what leads workers to yank the ripcord and bail from their jobs? Unhealthy, unsupportive work environments are the top culprit, accounting for 34% of employees seeking new opportunities.

Join us on a captivating journey as we unravel the critical reasons behind why valuable employees depart organizations, and, most crucially, how you can proactively prevent this talent exodus. Together, we will traverse the challenging terrain of toxic workplace cultures, the pitfalls of inflexible management practices, and the ominous red flags that drive employees towards the exit doors.

But the true gem of this speech lies in the actionable strategies and fresh perspectives that await you. When you attend, you will leave armed with the knowledge and tools necessary to craft a workplace culture that not only retains your top talent but also empowers them to flourish both personally and professionally. By participating in this event, you will be equipped to navigate the shifting employment landscape, ensuring your organization's enduring success.

Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to secure your company's future by keeping your best people engaged, motivated, and dedicated. Join me as we unlock the keys to a brighter, more prosperous future for your organization and its Top Talent!