2023 Schedule

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Thursday, Sep 21
10:30am — 11:30am
People Track- Jake Jabs Center
295 attending

Who we are is not what we do: Work, Worth, & Identity

“What do you do?” Society places a huge emphasis on our career being a way we define ourselves internally and describe ourselves to the external world. Yet, who we are is not what we do. In doing the messy, ugly, deeply uncomfortable work of disentangling our identity from the work we do in the world, so much possibility opens up. What would happen if we embrace the awkwardness and collectively explore where we struggle and succeed in having a healthy relationship to work being one of the many parts of our multifaceted identity as human beings? Let’s find out, together.

Session facilitated by: Elizabeth Burke

I’m just an ordinary human, and that is the point (we all are.)
When we share our experiences we learn from one another and feel a deeper sense of connection on our journey in life.

I have over 15 years of experience crafting meaningful moments through my background in corporate events, public education, workshop facilitation, and UX Research.
Holding space for others to learn and create shared meaning lights me up!
I am currently a UX Researcher who enjoys uncovering insights to design for a better world.