2023 Schedule

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Tuesday, Sep 19
5:30pm — 7:30pm
Spotlight Track- Commons on Champa
132 attending

Beer & Beyond: Diversifying and Innovating for Growth Panel & Tasting

The craft beer industry is entering into a new period of innovation. With relatively flat sales and lowered production volume across the board, the time to broaden offerings and connect with new customers is now. But with what? And how?

Join Kristin Steele, co-CEO and co-founder of Doozy Solutions, as she moderates a panel of founders from many of the top craft brewers in the state to answer these questions – and more. This session will provide insights applicable not just to breweries, but also any business seeking to diversify products and services to find new customers – and new ways to delight those customers.

Join us afterwards for a free tasting featuring beers from our panelists. 🍻