2023 Schedule

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Wednesday, Sep 20
10:00am — 11:00am
Designer Track Venue: Greenspoon Marder
140 attending

Designing For Resilient Change With Apple, Headway.io & ASPENX

As Massimo Vignilli, the famous Italian designer once said, “he who does not know history knows nothing”. Hear Prisca Pan, Senior UX Designer at Apple, Billy Sweetman, Head of Design at Headway.io and Joe Peters of ASPENX talk about how design resilience builds a company that lasts.

Designers might have squandered their seat at the table. Founders don't always see design as having a big impact on their company. Learn to resolve the gap between them and drive more entrepreneurial culture and growth.

Grab your chair to hear what Apple, ASPENX and Headway are looking for in both new and senior talent to ensure their organization continues their legacy of entrepreneurial product design. We know that really great design is transformative, but for it to be really impactful it needs to last.

Since 2020 until recent times, the creatives that imagine, craft, and code aren’t assured a role in their seat like in the days of the past. Learn how to look deep within yourself through a lens of emotional intelligence to get into your head by examining how the ontological and phenomenological constructs work within ourselves. Discover how to use emotional intelligence to build resilience and deliver transformative change in this current age.

As consumers, we know an incredible experience when we see it, yet why do some new designs become “history” before anybody even knows about them. As Coloradan entrepreneurs, we are seeking to create meaningful companies in a place that we love while building transformative change in the world. Starting and growing a new venture sometimes requires new design thinking to set your company or current career to seed, sprout, and scale.