2023 Schedule

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Thursday, Sep 21
1:30pm — 2:15pm
143 attending

Future of Energy Day – West Gate Entrepreneurs: Delivering a Brighter Energy Future

Putting that old T-shirt to work again and again. Leveled up solar panels that catch all the rays. Energy efficiency at your fingertips. Energy infrastructure to store clean energy. For the last year, NREL’s West Gate program has supported four standout entrepreneurs who will showcase their promising climate-tech solutions! Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate the people and technologies set to make the Future of Energy so bright you’ll need shades.

Moderated by Shelly Curtiss - Director NREL West Gate

Stefan Streckfus - Co-Founder and CTO, Renewell Energy
Grant Gunnison - Zero Homes, Founder and CEO
Mikhail Konev – Co-Founder and CTO, Tereform
Andrew Gabor - CTO and Director of Business Development, Brightspot Automation