2023 Schedule

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Thursday, Sep 21
3:00pm — 4:00pm
People Track- Jake Jabs Center
58 attending

Hire a Refugee; it's Good Business for Your Business!

“I never really thought about refugees… because it was never something I thought might happen to us. I never imagined I would experience war and find myself in this situation.” Forced to leave their homes, jobs, and life because of war, persecution, and violence are refugees. By mid-2022, there were an estimated 103 million individuals who found themselves in a place and a life they never expected. In Colorado, there are around 33,910 individuals who are eligible and eager to work. From refugee to resettlement, you have the power to liberate a refugee, diversify your workforce, and improve company culture. Learn what it takes to find, hire, and retain a skilled worker. Be the entrepreneur who invests in a refugee’s story.

Natasiuk, Daria. (2022). My Advice to Other Kids as a Refugee from Ukraine? Appreciate What You Have. UNHCR. unhcr.org/news/stories/2022/5/6284e9944.
Refugee Data Finder. 27 October 2022. UNHCR. https://www.unhcr.org/refugee-statistics/
Map The Impact. (2023). American Immigration Council. https://map.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/locations/colorado/