2022 Schedule

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Wednesday, Sep 21
12:00pm — 1:00pm
Thirsty Lion Gastropub
173 attending

CTO Lunch (DSW Edition)

CTO Lunches is an international organization that brings local technology leaders together once a month their cities to eat, share experiences and advice about what makes a good engineering leader, and build stronger ties within our community. Join us for a special Denver Startup Week edition of the Denver CTO Lunch, sponsored by several local startups who like to “Give First” and feed their peers. You don’t have to be a CTO to join the lunch, but we especially encourage people who are leading technology teams to attend and meet other leaders from the Denver area. Come enjoy some free food and drinks and meet other Denver techies before heading to your next DSW session!

Our lunch sponsors are: Da Primus Consulting, Technical Integrity, FusionAuth, Raika Technology, and Artium

Attendee limit: 125

Jason Cole