2021 Schedule

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Monday, Oct 4
4:00pm — 5:00pm
Virtual Panel
143 attending

Building Back Better- Entrepreneurship Stories that Will Challenge and Inspire

We weathered an entire pandemic by using more digital tools, offering help to others in ways we hadn’t previously and leaning on one another. There are so many slogans encouraging us to “build back ‘stronger’, ‘better’, ‘together’. In this session, we will challenge what it means to “build back better” for all. What new opportunities exist on this side of the pandemic for aspiring entrepreneurs and what new challenges have emerged? Entrepreneurs and their employees will share stories about how they strived to thrive: finding resources and organizations they had not previously used, ways they pivoted and were agile, and how they leaned on the Colorado start-up community for support. After this session, you will be positioned to build back better, with resiliency, inclusivity, and agility.

Maurice Dukes
Zaneta Kelsey
Joe Thurman
Arezou Zarafshan
Kanitha Snow
Sherisse Hawkins
Hybrid Events for 2021
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