2021 Schedule

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Thursday, Oct 7
4:00pm — 5:30pm
Virtual Panel
202 attending

Women 40 & 50+: Time to Play the Age Card to Boost Your Business

At 40 & 50+, your experience unequivocally makes you a hot, hot commodity and there’s no better time than now to play your age card [aka chapter number] to attract new customers, secure human and financial capital, and create a livable income. From on-the-job learnings, and bank of connections, to innate soft skills, and wisdom, your age is a value multiplier. Join Barbara Brooks and Guadalupe Hirt with SecondActWomen, Stacy London with State of Menopause, Katie Keating & Erica Fite with Fancy NYC and Susan Colby and Kathy Sjogren with Grace Creative LA as these founders share real-life stories, lessons learned, and strategies to flex your age, savvy, and smarts.

Erica Fite
Katie Keating
Kathy Sjogren
Susan Colby
Guadalupe Hirt
Barbara Brooks
Hybrid Events for 2021
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