2021 Schedule
Thursday, Oct 7
1:00pm — 2:00pm
Virtual Panel
231 attending
500% Growth in 3 Years: Putting People & Culture First
In 2016, SaaS content marketplace company Verblio was stalled at $2M ARR. Since then, they’ve grown 500% without taking a dime in funding. Sr. Director of Operations Zoe Treeson and CEO Steve Pockross and will discuss how they sparked that growth through key strategic decisions like putting people & culture first (and what that really means), prioritizing product over sales & marketing, and even the SaaS-sacrilegious decision to invest in professional services to support their core offering.
Steve Pockross
Zoe Treeson
Hybrid Events for 2021
Starting 5 minutes before a session is live, use the link below to join the live studio audience. If a session fills up, you can also check it out on YouTube Live, embedded below.