2014 Schedule

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Tuesday, Sep 16
1:00pm — 2:30pm
Galvanize (Golden Triangle) - No Sessions
535 attending

Founders Talking Failure

Three Founders will share their take on failure by sharing their own experiences with all of you. Come learn how these founders actively learn from their moments of failure and use them as fuel to keep pushing forward as innovative leaders.

These conversations are typically 1-1. This panel will be 1-many and is for the benefit of those who are at a high likelihood of “failure” and may be feeling alone.

“What defines us is how well we rise after failing.”

Brian Parks, moderator - Brian is the General Manager for Galvanize in Colorado, responsible for Galvanize's growth across the state to provide the best community for entrepreneurs to thrive. Previously Brian was the Co-Founder and CEO of Brandfolder, a b2b marketing SaaS app for creatives and marketing teams, which is way better than Dropbox. Brian spent 18 months launching and building Brandfolder, his first startup to found, before moving on in March 2014.

Mike Biselli, panelist - Mike is a digital health entrepreneur actively involved in leading the state-wide expansion of the PrIME Health Collaborative and responsible for the vision behind and execution of Industry Health & Science, a 12.5 acre campus in downtown Denver 100% dedicated to health tech innovation. Previously, Mike was the Co-Founder and CMO of MedPassage, the Amazon for the generic implant market.

Tom Higley, panelist - Tom started and ran six companies (including FortNET, NETdelivery, Service Metrics and Latis Networks/StillSecure) and stepped in to become CEO of two companies started by others. He started Service Metrics in 1998, selling it in 18 months for $280 million, which grew to $1+ billion during the "lockup" period. He has also experienced failure, both directly (companies he started), and indirectly (companies he invested in and/or mentored). Borrowing a bit from Elon Musk, Tom says "Startups, like rockets, are tricky." http://www.linkedin.com/in/tomhigley

Jess Lybeck, panelist - Jess is the COO at Artifact Uprising, where she brings her experience as a Founder and passion for operations to help customers get their photos off their device and into their life. Prior to AU, Jess co-founded Dabble.co, to give all of us an easy and enjoyable way to learn new things.