2018 Schedule

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Monday, Sep 24
12:00pm — 1:30pm
General Assembly (Classroom 1)
77 attending

Lessons from The Trade Desk: How to Forecast in an Environment with 10MM Data Points Per Second!

A discussion on how the Trade Desk developed forecasting for advertising campaigns in an environment where we receive 10MM data points per second. The talk will cover how TTD utilizes HyperLogLog, Minhash and BloomFilter algorithms to estimate number of available impressions for any given campaign.


  • Marina Lepikhina, The Trade Desk

Marina has over 3 years working on data products where she designs and executes solutions for a complex business problems involving data at a large scale. She was born and raised in Moscow, Russia. She has a degree in applied math and prior to her work at the Trade Desk worked in HP storage technologies, as well as several start ups.