2018 Schedule

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Wednesday, Sep 26
10:00am — 11:30am
388 attending

The Smart Startup - A Better Way to Know That Your Startup Will Succeed

Should I spend the next few years of my life building this business? How do I validate or invalidate my idea? The “build it, and they will come” approach to building startups is the riskiest and most foolish way to approach building a successful company. What if you could tell if your startup was going to be successful before you spent a bunch of time on money? What if you could determine what your potential customers thought of your idea before you launched (or invested money)? Most importantly, what if you could find out if your business would make money before you built the product or service?

While it may seem counterintuitive, in 2018 there is no reason to spend time, aggravation and money on a project that you have not first validated with your potential customers! This methodology is the way the world's smartest entrepreneurs are approaching building their companies, and after this session, you can too!

In this session, Chris Franks Founder and CEO at CleverFunnel Digital, Nate Greenlee CEO at Team and Culture, and Dave Meyer VP of Growth for Biggerpockets will walk you through how to validate (or invalidate) any startup idea in a matter of days using the power of lean customer acquisition and Growth Marketing. They will walk you through the tools and tactics you can use to stop wasting time on bad ideas and find the one will!