2017 Schedule

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Wednesday, Sep 27
10:00am — 11:30am
Polsinelli-Pikes Peak and Terrace
383 attending

Branding for Growth- Do You Have a Brand Strategy?

The panel discussion will focus on how building a strong brand actually helps grow companies. The talk will really help budding entrepreneurs understand the power and importance of various branding activities and also remove some of the intimidation many entrepreneurs feel when it comes to the costs and complexity of brand-building. Come listen to the best advice for establishing a great brand strategy from Denver's top branding wizards!

Moderator: Leah Zions, Co-founder Team & Culture, LTD. and Wiz Kid Social.


Gillian Grefé, Havenly, Senior Brand Manager

Annelise Lovelie, C.E.Ohhhhhh, Icelandic

Kae Penner-Howell, Creative Director, DanoneWave