2017 Schedule
Fly-over State Founding to Unicorn Flying: A Conversation with DataStax Co-Founder Matt Pfeil
While cities like Austin and Denver are growing their technology communities tremendously, many of the highest potential companies in these markets require extensive investment, presence and cooperation with Silicon Valley to achieve true scale. This special session features Matt Pfeil, Co-Founder of Austin- and San-Francisco-based DataStax, a company that is currently listed #12 on the Crunchbase Unicorn Leaderboard with an estimated valuation of $840M. Matt spends many of his working hours on airplanes in order to lead effective workforces in multiple cities and will talk about the challenges and benefits of staying true to some “secondary market” roots while also having presence in the epicenter of technology.
Please join for the interactive conversation with Matt, facilitated by Liz Iracki, Director of Corporate Engagement at the University of Denver.