2014 Schedule

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Thursday, Sep 18
9:00am — 10:30am
Rally Software - LoDo
863 attending

The future of sales and marketing: there is no sales and marketing.

Jeremiah fellows, VP of Sales and Marketing for Aspenware, will be presenting this session. The audience is any business leader responsible for growing company revenue, whether a startup company just building their sales organization or an established company ready to invest in their growth strategy.

Companies have traded in command and control for collaborative leadership, efficiency for effectiveness and lean, creative iteration for "do what has always worked" mentalities. Sales organizations have not kept up. In this presentation attendees will learn how sales and marketing have evolved over the past ten years and how to structure a modern revenue generating organization. When attendees walk away from this presentation they will understand how to build an agile and creative sales and marketing organization.

Event hashtag: #FutureDSW