2017 Schedule

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Wednesday, Sep 27
8:00am — 9:30am
Enterprise Coworking
515 attending

Using Events to Move the Needle for Your Business

According to leading industry analyst IDC*, leading B2B marketing leaders continue to site face-to-face events as one of their top budget priorities heading into 2017 and beyond. And it’s no wonder. As our world goes digital, events stand out as a rare opportunity to connect with others in a very real and human way. There’s no denying that events, done well, are unparalleled in their ability to create fans, inspire connections and spur sales momentum. But often times events lack strategic alignment to business priorities resulting in expensive, over-rated parties with marginal business impact. So how do you make sure your event investment delivers the right returns for your business?

In this session you’ll hear from three leading event marketing leaders from within the high tech industry who are driving bottom line impact for their companies by using events strategically in their marketing mix. Learn the tricks of the trade for acquiring the right audiences, crafting the right content and experience, and then measuring what moves the needle for your business. Each leader will present a brief case study of how events have moved the needle for their businesses, followed by a robust discussion between panelists and the audience. Come ready to fire off your top questions to these industry-leading event marketers.

*Source: IDC, Marketing Investment Planner 2016: Benchmarks, Key Performance Indicators and CMO Priorities” (http://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=US40369915)