2016 Schedule

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Thursday, Sep 15
6:00pm — 9:00pm
Galvanize (Platte - Atrium/Deck)
1558 attending

Denver Startup Week Closing Bash

What's the best way to close out the fifth annual Denver Startup Week? An awesome party of course! Join us at Galvanize Platte St. (And the awesome Pivotal Labs office) for an evening full of tasty food, drinks, games and music all alongside your newest friends. After a successful week of learning, meeting new people and helping us celebrate Denver's entrepreneurial community, you sure will deserve this celebration. See you there!

Thanks to our Bash sponsor, SendGrid!

SendGrid is a proven, cloud-based customer communication platform that drives engagement and business growth. SendGrid is a leader in email deliverability and its platform successfully delivers over 29 billion emails each month for Internet and mobile-based customers like Airbnb, Pandora, HubSpot, Spotify, Uber and FourSquare as well as more traditional enterprises like Intuit and Costco. SendGrid supports startups through it's Accelerate startup program. Learn more: https://sendgrid.com/accelerate