2016 Schedule

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Wednesday, Sep 14
2:00pm — 3:30pm
260 attending

Evolving JavaScript: Moving to React & Webpack

In the past year, the JavaScript community has made huge strides with the release of new build tools, languages, and frameworks. While these tools have provided significant developer happiness and productivity boosts, sometimes finding the right combination of libraries and a migration path that fits your needs can be challenging.

Here at Gusto, we've been able to modernize a large, complex single page application to support our team as it has scaled to over 70 contributors. This talk will specifically focus on the how and why we have shifted development from Backbone to React, as well as our scaling challenges with the Rails Asset Pipeline and how we have used new tools like Webpack to eliminate these issues.

This talk will be largely demo based, and together we will dive in to the implementation details of using these technologies and how they can be applied for similar productivity gains in your development ecosystem.

Presented by Nikhil Mathew on our Benefits Engineering Team