2016 Schedule

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Thursday, Sep 15
10:00am — 11:30am
General Assembly (Classroom 1)
241 attending

Get Schooled: An Educational Technology Mini-Course

This session will provide an overview of the diverse frontier of innovation and opportunity that is the current field of educational technology. Learn from a group of Colorado entrepreneurs that have broken out from the traditional product models often associated with educational businesses to launch successful companies and make a positive impact on learners of all ages, in and out of school. Featured speakers will discuss the next interesting problems to solve in ed tech as well as some of the unique challenges of starting up in the ed tech space.

The Colorado Front Range is a national hub for innovations in educational technology and home to a rich array of edtech companies, yet edtech topics have been largely absent from previous Startup Week events. This session will be hosted by the EdTech Colorado Meetup -- a growing network of more than 700 members representing K12, higher education, corporate training, and informal learning; and will feature the expertise and lessons learned of leading Colorado ed tech entrepreneurs. To sign up for future events, visit https://www.meetup.com/EducelerateCO/

Charlie Coglianese, Founder and CEO, Schoolrunner
Rachel Romer Carlson, Founder and CEO, Guild Education
Melissa Risteff, Co-Founder and CEO, Couragion

Moderator: Katy Kappler, Co-Founder, Crafted Education