2016 Schedule

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Thursday, Sep 15
12:00pm — 1:30pm
160 attending

Let’s Build Software Everyone Can Use!

Most developers agree that their software should be “accessible,” but what does that even mean? Even if you’d like to create accessible software, you find roadblocks along the way: lack of documentation, push-back from product priorities, lack of standards for mobile devices, and perhaps most importantly, not understanding what users really want.

Kelly Shuster has worked with advocacy groups such as the Blind Institute of Technology to uncover what makes an app truly accessible, and the actual developer time investment required. Spoiler alert: it’s easier than you might think!

Join us as we discuss common pain points suffered by some technology users, differences and similarities between the web, iOS, and Android platforms, and how you can make your product accessible to all. We’ll finish up with some code samples for each platform for the most common issues. There are 1 billion people in the world with disabilities; let’s build software everyone can use!