2015 Schedule

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Tuesday, Sep 29
8:00am — 9:30am
Jake Jabs Center at CU Denver - 5th Floor (Laube Commons)
249 attending

Data For The Rest Of Us: Using Government Data To Fuel Colorado’s Economy

Local and state governments manage mountains of data. Data that, if more accessible, could help Denver and Colorado’s entrepreneurial community in profound ways. Imagine an app that could tell you where to locate your office, or what your competitive industry looks like, or where you can find top talent that will build your business. These are just a few of the countless entrepreneurial demands that government data could address.

Join a panel of open data enthusiasts to uncover how you can join the movement to open government data for a better business environment in Denver and Colorado. "Data For The Rest Of Us" is hosted by the Colorado Secretary of State’s office which run Go Code Colorado, the innovative open data civic apps challenge that won CIO Magazine’s 2015 CIO 100 Award, the Colorado Technology Association’s Technology Project of the Year, was recognized as a Bright Idea by Harvard’s Kennedy School through its Innovations in American Government Awards competition, and was awarded the International Association of Commercial Administrators (IACA) Merit Award.

The panel will address:

• How does better accessibility to public government data affect everyday entrepreneurs?
• Who are the key and stakeholders in the open data movement and what are their roles?
• Government
• For Profit
• Developer community
• Non Profit
• Social Enterprises
• Does policy matter? How can we all actively drive policy?
• How are civic engagement activities like hackathons and app challenges important?
• What are they accomplishing exactly?
• What is the next stage in their evolution?
• The talent problem: How can government compete with the private sector to attract and retain developer talent?
• The business case: How can businesses collaborate and partner with government for meaningful change?