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Money Talks. Uplevel your influence.

People are speaking up today. They are demanding accountability and change from what was the status quo.

Do you want to know what has real influence? Money.

As a woman with over two decades years of Wall Street and startup experience, I’ve lost count of the #metoo moments. But I haven’t forgotten them. They drive me to do what I do today, influencing other women and folks from diverse backgrounds to start investing so that together we can step into our financial power and bring about real change in terms of which companies get funded, which products get built, and to ensure our interests are represented in this capitalist economy.

Money talks.

It influences everything around us from the car seatbelt you use on the daily to your medication dosage. If we’re not heard, us women, and those marginalized communities who haven’t been given the influence they deserve, we won’t be represented in these products, in the economy, and in positions of real influence.

You don’t have to have capital or be an accredited investor to start navigating into the mindset and skills. You can start navigating into equity ownership with employer, advisory, and board compensation packages. You can also ensure you’re navigating your company search and role more strategically if you wear that lens of ‘would I invest in this business?’

If you don’t understand the basics around equity compensation, you won’t even be able to begin the negotiation. What’s the offer worth? Do you know the valuation of the business today? Do you know what levers (the cliff, vesting schedule, and ownership %) you can negotiate around?

Money may never be a comfortable topic for you to discuss. But don’t shy away from learning how to use it in a way that serves you. All you need to get started is an interest.

Change money flows with us.

In Independence,



Natalie Levy is the Founder of She’s Independent, a women-first investment group offering an entirely new way to support women’s financial independence and influence through investing and board placements. As a member-led investment group, She’s Independent marries empowerment and action, with the ultimate mission of closing the power gap in investing by getting more women on the cap table, in the boardroom, and into positions of influence. Over the next 12 months, She’s Independent plans to deploy over $2M of capital collectively, and has invested in 13 deals since its formation in 2022.

An accomplished engineer turned Wall Street derivatives trader, investor, and advisor, Natalie has over a decade of tech operational experience, a portfolio of 30+ seed through later stage private investments, and has experienced liquidity events across 3 of the first 4 investments in her growth technology portfolio with an average return >20X.

She resides in Boulder, CO with her loving rescue pup Beans and is passionate about gender equity and mental health awareness.

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