2023 Schedule

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Tuesday, Sep 19
11:30am — 12:30pm
Spotlight Track- Commons on Champa
115 attending

La Chispa, Latino Entrepreneurs

By 2050, Latinos will comprise nearly 30% of the U.S. population. Today and in the future, the demographic destiny of the U.S. will be characterized by the growing Latino population. In fact, Latinos have an impact on all aspects of life. In Denver there is a thriving Latino entrepreneurial ecosystem, and in the City and County of Denver 34% of the population is Hispanic/Latino. There is a huge market for the Latino population to continue to elevate and thrive as U.S. Latinos are the drivers of the U.S. Economy with $2.8 trillion in GDP. If U.S. Latinos were a country, they would have the 5th largest GDP in the world. Join us to learn what the Latino startup ecosystem in Denver looks like and what technical, social, and financial resources exist that Latino entrepreneurs can access for their start-ups or for scaling their businesses. Come and hear success stories of Latino entrepreneurs from the Denver Metro community. (*Note: Panel will be done in Spanish with English interpretation available).

Moderators – Alexis Newton, Latinas Líderes y Emprendedoras & Sabina Valencia Chavez, Downtown Denver Partnership

Maria Gonzalez, Founder & CEO, Adelante Community Development
Antonio Soto, Director, Minority Business Office
Ricardo Ballesteros, Consul of Economic, Cultural, and Cooperation Affairs at the Consulate General of Mexico in Denver
Jazmin Chavez, VP of Innovation, Equity, & Communications, Hispanics in Philanthropy