2023 Schedule

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Monday, Sep 18
3:00pm — 4:00pm
Founder Track- Polsinelli
260 attending

Founders: Break Free from the Sales Role to Ignite Growth

About this Panel Session:

As a founder, you wear many hats. From visionary leader to digital marketer to janitor, you do it all. For many companies, the most important hat a founder wears is that of a salesperson. Inspiring someone to buy your product or service is at the heart of your business.

In this panel session we’ll uncover the three keystones of a winning B2B sales approach: 1) a repeatable discovery framework, 2) a consistent sales process, and 3) specialized sales roles.

Whether you simply want to improve your existing sales process or want to free yourself from the sales role once and for all, this session is for you.

Panel Session Takeaways:

• How to evolve your sales approach from order-taker to strategic consultant
• How to structure your sales organization to make more predictable revenue
• A path to fully extract yourself from the sales role so you can focus on C-level activities

Join Natalie Henley, CEO of Volume Nine and Lauren Perfors, President of Jollity as they share some of the insights they’ve gained over the past decade as owners of Colorado-based B2B agencies in hopes it will help you on your own unique path!